Rimelige betingelser
Som økologisk producent er ikke kun økologiske aspekter vigtige for os, men også faktorer, der vedrører menneskeheden. Derfor arbejder vi konstant på at forbedre systemerne for de mennesker, der er oprindelsen af vores råvarer, på en bæredygtig måde. Selvfølgelig har vi altid et kritisk og selvreflekterende syn på vores handlinger. Vi formoder ikke at vide præcis, hvad der er bedre for de lokale producenter. Men vi lytter opmærksomt...
Our cocoa comes from Central America – the Dominican Republic and Panama. It is grown 100% under controlled organic conditions. One type of cocoa is also grown according to the strict biodynamic guidelines of Demeter. This philosophy understands farms as a fully holistic regenerative and self-sustaining cycle, in which humans, plants, animals and the soil all work together as a living farm organism. A particularly appreciative approach to nature and the soil, but also to the people working on the farm, is an integral part of the Demeter concept.
I modsætning til i de vestafrikanske kakaoregioner er udnyttende børnearbejde ikke et væsentligt problem i landene i Latinamerika. Børnene går normalt i skole. Ikke desto mindre er det vigtigt at forhindre dette problem gennem målrettet forebyggende arbejde og at nippe mulige farer i knoppen. Det har vi gjort i årevis med vores forebyggelsesprojekt "KIDS for KIDS".
In addition, we are currently working with our partners in the Dominican Republic on a programme for particularly sustainable cocoa, whose cultivation criteria exceed the already high standards of the Organic certificate. This programme will initially benefit a group of around 150 cocoa-producing families and focus on the areas of (re)forestation of the farms, training in organic farming and access to drinking water. Of course, the project also includes the payment of additional premiums. The implementation is initially scheduled for four years and will be closely monitored by us.
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