»Best Sweet Product«
in Estonia
Food magazine votes VIVANI "Fine Dark Mallorca Fleur de Sel" number 1 in the confectionery category
Katharina Kuhlmann
© Kadri Valsberg (for Oma Maitse)
23 May 2022

We are overjoyed that one of the newest varieties in the large VIVANI range has won an award in Estonia - for best confectionery.
Every Year Estonian main food magazine “Oma Maitse” (in English: “My Own Taste”) organizes a competition to find out the best flavours and products. We have been nominated with our “Fine Dark Mallorca Fleur de Sel” chocolate … and it actually won the first prize in the category “sweets” and gained the label “Oma Maitse lemmiku” (“Favourite Of Taste”). We are honored.
To make it easier for consumers to choose good food, each year Oma Maitse selects the top products from various categories. In almost 17 years of work, the editors have learned to understand exactly what the eater wants, what the producer wants and how to bring both interests together. This year, the editors checked and tasted more than 150 products and shortlisted the top three in each category. With a top result for VIVANI’s “Fine Dark Mallorca Fleur de Sel”. The jury called it a wonderful treat especially for adults, because the Mallorca Salt dominates very intensively and is accomplished by the malty aroma of coconut blossom sugar.
More information on omamaitse.delfi.ee