Almond Bundt Cake | Recipe

... doused with White Cooking Chocolate

Monika Noack, Katharina Kuhlmann

EcoFinia GmbH

9 Januar 2019

The bundt cake (in German: Gugelhupf) is originally a loose yeast cake, which is baked in the characteristic bundt cake tin. Of course, this pretty shape is also suitable for many other recipes beyond yeast dough. Our present variant, which also decorates the packaging design of our VIVANI White Cooking Chocolate, is baked on the basis of ground almonds and durum wheat semolina. The icing of liquid cooking chocolate ensures a great appearance and an extra portion of chocolate pleasure.


For a bundt cake tin

500 g

raw cane sugar (or coconut blossom sugar)



250 ml

sparkling warter

500 g

durum wheat semolina

2 sachets

sieved tartar baking powder

250 ml

whole milk or buttermilk

500 g

ground almonds

200 g

chopped VIVANI White Cooking Chocolate


baking time
60 minutes

waiting / cooling time
10 - 15 minutes

level of difficulty


Whisk eggs with sugar and sparkling water for a few minutes until foamy. Stir in semolina, baking powder and milk. Finally fold in the ground almond.


Grease a bundt cake tin very well and dust it with flour. Then fill in the dough.


Bake in a preheated oven at 175 °C (fan oven 160 °C) for about 60 minutes (check with a wooden skewer if it’s done).


After baking, leave the cake in the tin for 10 – 15 minutes, then dissolve, turn over and allow to cool.


Carefully melt the Cooking Chocolate in a bain-marie and pour over the cooled down cake.

Monika Noack is a VIVANI employee from the start and a passionate chocolate fanatic. As a trained confectioner and graduate oecotrophologist, she has a great deal of know-how and always new recipe ideas to enchant us in the office. We thank her with her own column, where you can discover many tried and tested delicacies with VIVANI chocolate. Browse and try out allowed…

VIVANIs organic White Cooking Chocolate

Hvid madlavning chokolade


bundt cake without yeast dough bundt cake without flour recipe bundt cake white chocolate recipe gugelhupf white chocolate bundt cake chocolate almonds recipes VIVANI White Cooking Chocolate